I'm sure it's part of evolution.
Ever since a man built a fire in a cave other men have been looking at them and wanting caves just as big, or bigger, and a fire - maybe two.
Ever since Romans began freeing slaves other slaves have wanted that freedom. Our era is obsessed with consumerism, and some of us are just as much slaves to it as any indentured man.
So why am I so content with what I have? Why is it that I don't seem to have that drive? The need to get that promotion, that new car, the new iphone with it's million applications? If I need something, sure I want it to be nice. If something breaks, I want a new one. I want it to work and be pretty if I can swing it, but once I have it I don't obsess over the next model, the next upgrade, the bigger one, the newest one or the one with the diamontes on.
Maybe what is more odd is that I recognise that drive. I don't regret not having it. But part of that drive is the need to be better personally, to have the better job, the more fulfilling career, the best family and I'm just not there. I could have taken on a higher paying job a few time over the last year. But I never did. Working nights and being on the same schedule as Mr C is more important to me than mo' money. Every so often I get a little depressed that I am now in my *cough*thirties*cough* and I am working a job that is mid level at best, but I know I'm more concerned about what other people think of me rather than my own concern for myself.
Bloody consumerism! I feel guilty about not being part of it. And really that's just totally inappropriate at this time of year. I mean, what would Santa Claus say?
"Mrs Clarke, that is not the Christmas Spirit! Now go in to that shopping centre and buy someone something they already have. But in purple. And green. Now have you spent enough? What if they have spent more? Does it need accessories? batteries? I bet it needs batteries. You should buy a coffee while you're there too. Not a plain coffee! A chocolate-caramel-gingerbread frappe with whipped cream snowman on top! it's not Christmas with out a whipped cream snowman!"
Stupid Santa. He's been consumerisms whore since coca-cola gave him that big red suit with the white fur trim. Things we do to look pimp.
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